EPISTRAL service is designed to facilitate prediction and structural analysis of epitope regions.
First enter your email address in the box below. (Optional) E-mail Be sure that your email address is correct. Your data will be processed and the result of EPISTRAL prediction sent automatically to the above address. Bear in mind that if you enter an incorrect email address there is no way the server can contact you!
Paste or type your AS2TS structural model (one complete AS2TS model with coordinates) into the box below: (If you don't have AS2TS model, then paste or type protein sequences in FASTA format)
Upload file containing the AS2TS structural model (name of your local file)
or, if you have a set of protein sequences for processing, then
Upload file containing protein sequences in FASTA format
Select from the following set of standard libraries: PDB nr Uniref_100 Uniref_90 Uniref_50
Selected epitope length: min avg max
Start processing: